Sunday, December 19, 2010


Hmm, not sure how long I've been doing this now, I think three weeks. I haven't been as diligent about it, but we're still plugging along. David has kind of saved me, truthfully. Another truth is, I don't think I will keep up with this blog as I think NO ONE is reading it. Oh well. It's a good record.

Ta ta.


Friday, December 10, 2010

If You Think It's Over...You're Wrong!

I'm pleased to report that my project continues. I've had a few shaky days when I was gone all day, but amazingly enough, things did not digress too badly and we're still in the "clean". The thing that is interesting to me is that being busier and not thinking about it as much, it seems easier. Maybe because it's starting to be second nature? That would be cool!!

Monday, December 6, 2010

An Organization Frenzy

For two days in a row now I've woken up about 4:30 with the urge to organize stuff. Yesterday I organized the entertainment center drawers and shelves and the cds and dvds. This morning I woke up with the urge to tackle the big pile of papers that's been waiting for several years to be gone through. Now I have a big garbage bag of recycling and no piles of papers. The house has now been clean for a week and I am feeling very good about this project. I've lost two pounds too. Turns out obsessive cleaning is a good weight loss method. The thing I'm most happy about is the support I've gotten from the kids and David of course. They've really stepped it up and are really trying to keep things put away.

We moved furniture around in the family room on Friday, which was a good opportunity to clean under the furniture YIKES! Here's a picture of it now:

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Am I starting to Lose it?

I feel a little out of control today. It's been a busy day and I've been running from one thing to another. I'm getting scared that I'm starting to lose it and maybe I won't be able to keep this up. When I walk past the sink and there's a couple dishes in there, I feel a little panicky. So I made my bed at 2:00...but I DID make it. It went unmade for MONTHS before this so I shouldn't feel bad, should I? The dishes did sit in the sink for a few hours, but they're in the dishwasher now, so am I still okay? Am I? Ask me again tomorrow.

Friday, December 3, 2010

More than Maintaining

So yesterday after I got everything clean, I found myself looking around with a critical eye at all the various "deep cleaning" projects I could be doing. So I scrubbed the stove and cleaned off the dusty puzzle table (bye bye unfinished puzzle). Much better. Now I'm seeing all sorts of extra projects I can be doing around the house and I'm actually (gasp) sorta excited to get to it! Today I'm going to clean out the drawers in the cabinet in the family room, and maybe the entertainment center too, ah the possibilities! Okay, now I'm scaring myself.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 4

I'm discovering lots of new things about myself. Yesterday I actually found myself becoming a bit compulsive about the cleaning thing. I did three loads of laundry, washed, dried AND folded and even put away. I tried to watch TV when there was laundry in the dryer and found myself just thinking about that laundry needing to be folded instead of enjoying my show. This is SO not like me! So I went downstairs and folded the laundry and put it away and wiped the counter (again) and picked up the bit of lint off the carpet and straightened up a bit then went back upstairs. It's weird that I could relax and unwind better when the house was a total disaster than now when things are squeaky clean and I should have no guilt in sitting down, but feel I can't totally relax. Hmm. Maybe this will pass.

Everyone has really stepped it up around here. Maybe they're afraid of that naggy lady that's showed up at their house. I dunno.

Here's some tips that are helping me with this project: throw stuff away if it isn't used (that feels good), use drawer space for stuff that's used, not for stuff that's stored, keep cloths and cleaning supplies upstairs for the bathrooms so the lazy lady doesn't have to go downstairs to fetch it, wash the pan right after it's used (new concept) it's actually easier! Whoa.

In other news, Lauren got asked out to the Christmas dance last night by Daniel Carter. He's the son of good friends of mine, Karen and John. So fun!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 3

I'm calling this day 3 because since it was clean on Monday, it is technically day 3 even though I started the "project" yesterday.

I get how people can be full-time housewives. I've never been that, even when I didn't have a job. It takes vigilance and dedication to keep this up, and I'm turning into a bit of a nagger: "pick that up", "don't eat that in there", "what are you going to do with that when you're through?" and etc. Sigh. I'm not fond of the person this is bringing out in me, but maybe if I get everyone trained she can return to her naturally dormant state. I see signs of it happening already, everyone has been very good about helping with this. There is hope!