Monday, December 6, 2010

An Organization Frenzy

For two days in a row now I've woken up about 4:30 with the urge to organize stuff. Yesterday I organized the entertainment center drawers and shelves and the cds and dvds. This morning I woke up with the urge to tackle the big pile of papers that's been waiting for several years to be gone through. Now I have a big garbage bag of recycling and no piles of papers. The house has now been clean for a week and I am feeling very good about this project. I've lost two pounds too. Turns out obsessive cleaning is a good weight loss method. The thing I'm most happy about is the support I've gotten from the kids and David of course. They've really stepped it up and are really trying to keep things put away.

We moved furniture around in the family room on Friday, which was a good opportunity to clean under the furniture YIKES! Here's a picture of it now:

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